Sannasgala says when reading ITN 'mul pituwa' blagards ITN itself

Sannasgala says when reading ITN 'mul pituwa' blagards ITN itself

Ravaya, Janarala not brought ....
ITN has not given up past habit ....

Sannasgala says when reading ITN 'mul pituwa' blagards ITN itself

Upul Shantha Sannasgala who brought Newspaper Headlines Programme of
Independent Television Networks over the air last morning happened to blame ITN openly during that programme. The reason for it is that the producers have taken steps to bring all newspapers there other than two newspapers. The optional newspapers were the Ravaya and Janarala. He also stated that the ITN has conducted themselves in the old way, in a sarcastic manner. When the female announcer responded saying that it could be checked after the programme, Sannasgala responded to that statement too in an accusative tone. This incident which took place towards the end of the programme is as follows.

Sannasgala: Sunday newspapers of Sri Lanka reach the market on Fridays .... therefore the producers of this programme can find the newspapers on Friday. But it looks like ITN has still not given up the old habit. That is .... today the Ravaya newspaper is not there .... the Janarala newspaper too is not there. Both these newspapers come on Friday. Then, what I say as 'yahapalanaya' is with our self-discipline combined. It should control the discipline also. There's no use in making the word 'yahapalanaya' into 'thorombal'. Therefore I believe that this fault of these newspapers not being there would be rectified next week. We don't come here to read newspapers like parrots. We essentially want two optional newspapers here. Our apologies to Ravaya and Janarala from Mul Pituwa of ITN.

Announcer: We can inquire into its reason after the programme.

Sannasgala: No ... reasons need not be inquired into after the programme. The chairman of this establishment should inquire as to why these two newspapers are not there. Otherwise it's not independent, no.

Video of that incident, from BELOW

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