Mahinda is like a magnet

Mahinda is like a magnet

Mahinda is like a magnet

Nobody can say that it's wrong that I went to Kandy - Samanmali Sakalasuriya

A disciplinary inquiry is being conducted in connection with SLFP members who attended the Kandy rally asking that Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa be nominated as the Prime Minister of
the United People's Freedom Alliance. The provincial council member of Western Province Samanmali Sakalasuriya representing this rally who made a speech now says she went there because she was not informed about the prohibition order of the Party. She further says that she participated in order to represent the masses who cast their vote at the last presidential elections and that the Party in no way informed her of the decisions taken by the central executive committee of the Party.

"I attended not a rally of the United National Party nor a rally of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna ... but to a rally of the United People's Freedom Alliance Front. Nobody should get upset about that. Whatever it is, if the next General Election is to be won, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa should be nominated as the prime minister candidate of the United Party Front Alliance. Because Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa is the magnet to attract votes for the Alliance.

I have still not received a letter asking for reasons for having attended that meeting. I abide by the standpoint that Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa should be the prime minister candidate. Won't take political decisions fearing anybody. If the Party take steps against me, I won't talk about the procedures I would then take".

Note -- Nalaka Sanjeewa Dahanayaka
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