Doctors in all hospitals to resort to trade union action

Doctors in all hospitals to resort to trade union action

Doctors in all hospitals to resort to trade union action

All members of the Government Medical Officers Association have unanimously decided on trade union
action by resorting to trade union action by a protest half a day strike from 8 a.m to 12 p.m.on the 24th instant in all hospitals islandwide.This strike has been organised as the demands requested by them have not been given by the budget proposals 2015. The demands are as some of the entitlements of doctors requested have not been granted yet.

In this strike doctors attached to vital hospitals like Lady Ridgeway Children's hospital,De Soysa Women's hospital,Castle street hospital for Women,Cancer hospital Maharagama,Children's hospital Peradeniya and all hospitals islandwide would be on strike.

Howevr in all hospitals OPD and emergency units would function to treat urgent cases.This was revealed by the assistant secretary and media spokesman of the GMOA, Dr Navin de Soysa

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