Tense situation at Srikotha (video)

30 injured from Srikotha clash (video) 
 It was Wimal's crowd who came!
              -- UNP says

A clash occured today in front of UNP Headquarters Sirikotha in Pita Kotte between an organization known as Federation of National Organisations and supporters of UNP and about 30 persons sustained injury in the clash.

While almost 15 of such persons were UNP supporters, the rest of the 15 are external elements, it is understood.

UNP supporters who expressed their opinion in connection with the incident said that a segment of Minister Wimal Weravansha had come there in this manner saying that there is a deceptive agreement between Ranil -- Maithree and when a meeting was in progress this morning at Sirikotha this crowd who were assembled outside had indulged in a protest hurling stones towards Sirikotha.

The C-News news server alleged to be belonging to Minister Wimal Weerawansha had reported that it was a group of UNPers who came out from inside and who hurled stones at their peaceful demonstration that was going on. During this situation though the police were present, they were unable to control the situation and later the riot-squad had to be summoned there.

All access routes to Sirikotha were barred and all vehicles had to be deviated to Kimbulawala, police reported.

The Buddha statue in front of Sirikotha too was harmed during this clash, it is understood.

It was also reported that a certain leader of a government corporation too was present. Video clips of the incident, from BELOW
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