Miracle baby rebirth in Kurunegala


Child supposed to have got life ....  afterwards dead!

The Deputy General of the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital Mr. Chandana Kandangamuwa said that the infant whom the doctors of the Intensive Care Unit tried to save the life, had died.

It was on last 26th that Mrs. B.G.Chamila Chandani Jayatilleka living in Periyakulam in Anamaduwa was transferred to Kurunegala Teaching Hospital from Anamaduwa Hospital.

"This mother was admitted to the hospital at 11.50 in the night.

The mother was admitted to Ward No. 13 at the time she showed signs of delivery with great uneasiness. But by that time the foetus was 26 weeks old. The mother was in a difficult situation. That means .... the mother's fluid bag had pierced and fluid was flowing. But the baby was in a normal state and active. It was because there is no treatment available at Anamaduwa Hospital in such a condition that she was sent to Kurunegala.The necessary examinations were carried out and treatment given.

The mother delivers the baby last 30th. The foetus is 26 weeks and the weight of the baby is 900 grammmes. That means that it is an underweight and underage birth. Such children hardly survive. We made the mother understand about it. The child was admitted to the Infant Intensive Care Unit. With the strike of nurses this mother had gone home. However, Dr. D.H. Wijewardena and his staff of the Infant ICU strived to save the life of the child. When the baby was undergoing treatment for 6 days at the Infant ICU, the doctors succeeded in bringing the baby to a state where the baby could be breast-fed.

It was because of that that the mother who had gone home was once again called back to the hospital. But the baby had passed away the day-before-yesterday.  babies born with a foetus of less than 28 weeks are considered as having been aborted. Because of that, a special operation was performed on this mother .... because it was not an ordinary birth. Some particles could have remained in the womb and that is a risk for the mother. It was because of that an operation was performed and such parts inside the womb was thus removed.

----------------------------------- previous report -----------------------------------------

Child thought to have died after 7th day almsgiving .... comes to life as if by miracle!

An experience which is rarely heard of a mother who admits her to Kurunegala hospital to deliver her baby was heard day-before-yesterday.

It was after she had given a 7 day almsgiving in memory of her baby whom she thought had died and all the same she was specifically made to understand that her baby born prematurely was dead that she left the hospital when she was to receive a telegram message from the hospital and having gone there rushing in search of her baby that she had found that her baby is among the living.

The mother who faced this situation was a 29 year old woman named Chandani Jayatilleka of Periyakulam in Anamaduwa. She had been in a labouring condition with an immatured  baby and was later admitted to Kurunegala Hospital from Anamaduwa Hospital last 26th. After she delivered the child early morning on 30th, the doctors had told that since the baby was born in 26 weeks, it is difficult to keep the child alive; after which the child was sent to the Immatured Infant Unit. Permission was not given to see the baby; as such, this mother was sent away from the hospital on the 1st.  Even her husband has not been permitted from the hospital to see the baby. What they had thought was that the baby had died. After about 6 days had elapsed after the death of the baby they had given up hopes.

Therefore, with their second child dying in this manner, being subjected to shock, they had even given an almsgiving pinkama. An unanticipated and sudden telegramme had arrived the following day which said that the baby was living and in good health, asking the mother to come to the hospital.

When they rushed to the hospital with amazement, the mother came forward to breast-feed her child with great joy.

This incident which took place as if by a miracle rekindled their already shattered hopes.

The medical staff of Kurunegala Hospital and employees who dedicated themselves in service amidst the strike were the benefactors of the joy brought to these parents.
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