Children in Nilwala River rescued by Army

This morning (25) at about 11.30 a father had thrown his two children into the Nilwala River near Mahanama Samaraweera Bridge in Matara and a team of Army soldiers who promptly got into action having seen this incident had jumped into the river and rescued the two children.

It was a father from Ratmale in Dikwella who had thrown a daughter aged 4 years and a daughter aged 2 years in this manner, not having being able to control his temper after a quarrel that took place with his wife.

It was really fortunate that it was possible to rescue the children without any danger which incident threw the whole area into a shock. They are now in hospital.

After the incident the father is in hiding and the police are on his tracks.

It was in the following manner that Lalith Padmasiri, Sirasa You Reporter had videoed this heart-breaking incident:

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