Ruwan Hettiarachchi the singer became popular from the song 'Nodeka inna be ....'. His newly-opened music studio in Mirihana had been robbed by a gang last night on December 4th and all valuable equipment in the studio had been taken away, it is reported.A stock of music production equipment of excessive value had thus been robbed. This studio which is at Mirihana, Nugegoda was opened during the beginning of July this year.
Ruwan Hettiarachchi is the husband of popular tele-actress Cheryl Deckcker. It was the very day after the opening of Cheryl's beauty salon in Kolonnawa that Ruwan's business place was robbed and Ruwan says that there is some suspicion about this robbery.
It is also reported that the robbers had written some obscene words across the wall. Mirihana police have now commenced investigations on the robbery.
The occasion when a tear came into the eyes of the couple at the moment when the business which was established after much effort was launched and a collection of other photos, from HERE