The nature in which certain fathers behave nowadays amount to disrespect and devalue the honour attributed to paternalship. An incident reported from Anamaduwa where a father had taken the lover who was to get married to his son to his home, beguiling her had then sexually molested her.
As reported, the incident is as follows:
This particular father's age is 52 years and the son, 22 years. The 52 year old father also has a daughter aged 14 years. His wife is employed in Middle East. The son had completed his studies and subsequently started a love affair with a young girl in the same village and consent for marriage had already been granted from both parties. The girl was just 17 years old. She therefore had another year to get married legally and it was agreed that the wedding would take place next year. In the meantime the son had gone to work and for purposes of easy travel, He had to stay at a rented house close to the town.Though he stayed there for some time alone, he later requested for permission to bring his lover to stay in that house to dispel his loneliness.
Parents on both sides maintained cordial relationships with each other and therefore the girl's parents showed no objection to the request made by the boy. So, the girl and boy lived together, making arrangements for the wedding to be consumed next year. During this time, the boy's father lived in the ancestral home together with his tender, young daughter. The two houses referred to was only a short distance away from each other.
On the 6th of this month the said father had visited the son's rented house during the time he was away at work and had told the would-be daughter-in-law, "Duwe ...I have to go to a certain place .... only nangi is at home ... can you come and keep her company for a short while?" The young girl who consented to this request then closed up the windows and doors of the house and got on to the would-be father-in-law's motor bike and set off after leaving a message to her future husband. In order to confirm that she has gone to the ancestral home the boy had attempted to give a call to the girl's mobile phone, only to find that her phone had been switched off as had happened never before. The boy, the son of the aforesaid father then got upset about this and had set off towards the ancestral home. As it takes only 10 or 15 minutes to arrive there from his working place; when he reached the house he noticed how his father's bike was parked and that nobody was seen outside the house. It was after that, that the son began to walk into the rooms and finally when he reached his father's room, what befell his eyes he just could not believe and it was indeed a shock to him. He was at a loss to understand as to what was taking place in front of his eyes. What he saw was his own father on top of his lover's body on the bed and trying to molest her sexually. Her mouth was tied with handkerchiefs in order to keep her quiet and she mourning and struggling. The son had got confused at this incredible scene and had then pushed aside the father immediately and so rescue his would-be wife.
The father being ashamed having been taken by surprise had jumped out of bed, totally naked and had beat a retreat from the room. The son whose temper knew no bounds, then left her over aside and began running behind the father to get hold of him. The man was fleeing stark naked through houses in the neighbourhood with the son pursueing him in and out of the houses.
The neighbourhood who were surprised at this unexpected and unbelievable drama began to find out the reason why this man was running around naked as it was a scene they ever imagined. In the process they happen to hear the man's son shouting, "Catch that fellow .... this XXXXX my woman and is now running away!" Because of the boy's yelling, the neighbours finally got together and caught the offender. Subsequently the youth in the area had given him the right royal treatment after which they handed him over to the police.
The girl, the victim of this sexual molestation was afterwards admitted to hospital. After the father was handed over to Anamaduwa police, it was revealed from inquiries made on the son's complaint that in the latter's absence the father had craftily planned to molest the girl sexually and had somehow implemented his plan by making his 14 year daughter stay at another house during his activity.
The suspected father is to be produced before Anamaduwa Magistrate courts.