Yesterday the opening of the Expressway of Katunayaka was the event which was the cynosure of all eyes in Sri Lanka last morning. The opening began with the President arriving at the entry point and declared open the plaque and cut the strip of flowers which had been drawn across the Expressway in the form of a ribbon. For this purpose the President, the First Lady, the relevant Ministers and the Chinese nationals approached the place amidst the sound of drums.
All photographers were naturally keen on capturing the scene on camera when the ribbon of flowers were cut and when the crowd were moving towards the said area, Minister Mervin was walking behind the President and the First Lady and when the occasion arose for cutting the strip of flowers, Minister Mervin was seen suddenly putting his hand in front and edging forward ... finally being positioned between the President and the First Lady.
The photo carrying the picture of this incident was published in today's newspapers as a special photograph. As such, anyone looking at this picture would obviously get the impression that the President declared open the Expressway combined with Minister Mervin.
The incident, in video appears below