A case where a tele-actress was assaulted and a valuable mobile phone belonging to her was robbed at a beauty salon at Gamsabha junction, Nugegoda was taken up in the Magistrate's court at Gangodawila yesterday. The accused in this case happens to be tele-actresses Menaka Madhuwanthi, Aksha Sudari and her mother Mohammed Roshana.
The suspects were produced in courts on a complaint made to the crime section of Mirihana police by tele-actress Mrs. Hansi Sithara, resident at Udahamulla.
It was reported that the victim had gone to the said beauty salon belonging to Nilu Kodikkara at Gamsabha junction in Nugegoda last 10th and had selected a dress after which she had gone near a mirror and was checking whether the selected dress suited her. She had at that time received a telephone call to which she began responding when the suspects Aksha and Menaka had approached her. Aksha had then began assaulting her saying, "Is it to my boy friend that you are talking to?" while Menaka too had joined in the attack.
Mrs. Hansi Sithara has complained to Mirihana police that during this assault her hand too was bitten injuring her; she has sustained further injury because of the attack by the pointed shoes.
At the time they were fleeing after making this attack, they are also supposed to have robbed Hansi's mobile phone which was of a value of about Rs. 20,000, she has told the police.
She also states that the reason for this attack was a misunderstanding about her and that it was a suspicion that she had told some gossip to the present lover of Aksha.
Nugegoda Addl. Magistrate and Addl. District Judge Mrs. Aruni Attygala ordered that Aksha, Menaka and Roshana the 3 suspects who appeared at Gangodawila courts yesterday be released on a personal bond of Rs. 100,000 and further hearing of the case was put off for another date.