The attention of the protest made by a lady teacher of Colombo Royal College who climbed the roof last week because of an unfair transfer she had received drew the attention of the media.
While her act was looked down upon by some, disciplinary action is presently being conducted on the issue. However she still speaks of the injustice done to her. Following are the ideas expressed to Mawbima newspaper by her regarding the issue:
*Actually, what is this injustice supposed to have been done to you?
Not only to me ..... another 5 teachers have been transferred. Statements have been recorded from teachers about irregularities taking place within the college from last April itself. Such an opportunity was available only to those who gave their names to the Deputy Principal through the Principal. We made an appeal from the Public Services Commission that there is no point in making inquiries like that. What we said was to dismiss the Principal temporarily, because with his influence it's not possible to give a
*Then how did you get a sudden transfer?
Having considered our request, the Public Services Commission had sent a letter to the Ministry of Education, saying that these obstructions should be avoided and an opportunity be made available to the teachers too.Then we got letters asking us to come to the Ministry and make our statement. It was on July 18th that we had to make our statements. On July 17th all the teachers who were to give their statements were transferred.
*When there were 4 others who were subjected to this unfair treatment, why did you alone decide to get on top of the roof all alone?
All those who came forward that way ... the situation was serious. By now, do you know the situation at Royal College? A teachers' meeting had been called for by force and signatures have been forcibly taken from them to say that they like the Principal. The letters of our requests made from the Public Services Commission had been photocopied and read out at the meeting. There was opposition response at that moment. Then, signatures had been forcibly taken from all teachers to say that they were in favour of the Principal. If somebody had opposed it, what would happen is the same thing that happened to me. Because nobody could take a straight decision, I took the decision.
*When did you start working at Royal College?
I came on 7-7-2003 after graduating. Before that I served in a difficult area in North Central province and North Western province for 16 years. I received the appointment as an officer of Grade II Principal of Royal College from 13-11-2003. I have close upon 4 year's qualifications in the Principal category.
*Aren't you an additional teacher for a period of 8 years?
It can't be mentioned as an additional teacher. Not only was I a class teacher till the month of December in the year 2012, I was a teacher who handled 6 classes in the time table. We have a rule that Class II is given to someone who handled Class 10 ... because the syllabus is the same. Till 2012 I did 2 classes of Class 10. Actually, that time table should be available to me in the year 2013 also. Though I was made an additional teacher, I am not an additional teacher.
*Where do you live?
*For which school did you get the transfer?
Colombo Issipatana School.
*Having got a transfer to such a close place, why did you want to stick to Royal College itself?
What I'm saying is not the difficulty I would face in this transfer. This is not that much of a problem for a teacher who taught in a distant area of North Central and North West. Sometimes those Principals have never gone beyond Colombo. I who stayed for 16 years outside my place of birth .... going that distance to Issipatana is not the problem. But who's going to answer this problem ... and at what time?
*From whom do you think the Principal has got these powers?
The Principal of Royal College has a power which can't be found from any culture. The Principal of Royal College is a person who can use his powers in an extraordinary manner. There are children of officers from the highest to the lowest echelons in this College. If there's no way to approach from the topmost position, the Principal can creep even from the lowest rung.
*Before climbing on top of the roof, didn't you have the means of settling this problem by informing the authorities?
I went and met the Minister of Education. I met the Education Secretary. All the teachers who were transferred got together and informed the Human Rights. Upto now there's no involvement into it. The Public Services Commission, the Bribery and Corruption .... all these places were informed. Finally, the President too was written to. When there was no co-operation from any of these places .... where should I tell?
*Before climbing the rooftop, didn't you think this was a risky thing?
I thought. This is a battle between life and death. I have children. But I thought that if I make a protest like this today .... the authorities would think twice about the teacher who's going to be transferred tomorrow.
*How did you climb such a height?
First of all I held on to the 2 iron posts and came up. After scaling that height I then got on top of a chair below. Then once again I got on top of the chair and hung on to the iron post on top. That's how climbed.
*When you took this risk .... didn't your family people oppose you?
I climbed there not only without telling anybody at home .... I didn't even tell my best friends.
*Minister Bandula Gunawardena says that this is the lowest type of bad example that a government servant has displayed.
The Minister says like that only by listening to the Principal. The Minister didn't listen to what I had to say. I'm sad about it. At least he didn't give even a hearing to me. He also s a teacher. When the Minister was in campus ... I was in the junior batch. Being a teacher, at least did he even look at it from even a fraction from the teacher's viewpoint? I'm surprised why he didn't think of at least asking about this! He listened to the Principal who manipulates teachers like 'iththo'. I'm sorry because this Minister is also a teacher.
*After this incident, a disciplinary inquiry had been called for against you. Don't you think you have brought about unnecessary problems?
No .... I don't feel that way. What I feel is that though I have faced problems, that I have done some service. Even at least in the future, the Principal's tough, and vicious nature will come to light. Then he will come with all the brickbats thrown today. As such, I won't regret even if I lose my job tomorrow!
*What if some day a student was to get on top of the roof saying that an injustice was done?
If some injury was done to the student, he'll get on top of the roof. If there's no other place to speak out justice after fighting for it, that student will climb the roof.
*Isn't there a limit where government servants can protest?
A government servant may have a limit ... but that limit is only upto a certain extent. If that limit is crossed ... that limit becomes invalid. Everyone has a limit only upto another's nose, isn't it? If he comes to extend beyond that .... the other person is not going to look and wait.
*But by the manner in which you wanted to stage the protest, the biggest damage was done to you.
Yes ... I don't regret it. Neither will I regret it tomorrow or day-after. Maybe I won't regret it right throughout my life. Even at the moment of death ... I'll be happy!