A husband and wife were brutally killed with weapons last Friday in Pulmudai area. After these deaths the two daughters of theirs had disappeared. On investigations conducted on a wide scale by police, the 18 year old girl supposed to have been responsible for this double murder was arrested in Ja Ela together with the 2 daughters. It has been revealed that this 18 year-old girl who had undergone a sex-change had become a boy and the illicit sexual relations she has had with one of the kidnapped and missing daughters. The parents had vehemently opposed it and subsequently she had lost her temper and committed the murder.
The deceased couple had resided in Pulmudai, Mahasenpura, in the 5th milepost area had been brutally killed with sharp weapons and they were H.M. Suriya Bandara (34) and S.Jeewani Anuradhika (36) by name. Their 2 daughters have had a friendly association for sometime with this girl living in the neighbourhood. It is reported that during the Avurudu season members of this family had gone to Polonnaruwa to a relative's house with the girl concerned and the murder had taken place on that occasion.
The murdered Suriya Bandara's body had been found in a jungle area about 2 miles away from his house while Jeewani Anuradhika's nude body was found lying on a bed in the house and a number of serious cut injuries were seen on their bodies, according to police.
Police also say that the suspect has had a homosexual nature and it had been revealed that she had maintained a homosexual relationship with the elder daughter (16) of the deceased couple over a period of time. It is reported that this couple had constantly scolded this suspect because of this affair and had advised to put a stop to it. As a result of this situation, the girl (18) had murdered the couple. Her elder brother had said that she had been addicted to liquor and to cigarettes. This is what he had told the police:
"Younger sister smokes cigarettes and drinks arrack. It is the money that I earn by climbing coconut trees in the village that she squanders. Though she is a young girl, she has an abnormal character. It is a public secret that she is 'addicted' to homosexual activities.
It is reported that a complaint had been lodged to Pulmudai Police over an incident where the suspect had beaten up her own mother because the latter had reprimanded her to stop this homosexual affair.
It is also revealed that the suspect had invited Suriya Bandara to take liquor and had taken him on a push-cycle to the jungle and had made him drink after which he had been murdered. A quarter bottle of arrack, an empty beer can and the push-cycle used on the occasion were found at the site of the murder.
The police also say that after committing the murder, the suspect together with the 2 daughters of the deceased couple had come to her house and told her mother,"I killed both maama and nenda ...... now I'll go somewhere with these two". So saying, she had left the house.
An 18 year-old girl who was suspected to have run away from home had been arrested by the Kandana olice in the Batagama-North area on the Ganemulla-Ja Ela route. Police also mentioned that the 2 daughters of the dead couple who were in the company of the suspect too were taken into
Place where the father of the 2 daughters was killed
pics- courtesy www.adaderana.lk