Vehicle tracked through phone signals
Dzhokhar taken into custody while hiding in boat (video)
Though foreign agency reports announced that Chechens Tamerlan Tsarnaev (29) and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (19) the 2 brothers who were suspected over the bomb blast at the Boston Marathon Race, the elder brother died in the confrontation that took place and that the other was arrested, now it has been impossible to record proper statements from the latter because of a bullet that pierced his throat. Doctors have said that he would be unable to speak as long as he lives.
In the last confrontation when he was nabbed while hiding in a boat he had to be hospitalised as he was unconscious right along at the ICU. According to reports he had regained consciousness in a mild form last afternoon and at that moment the American Secret Service had commenced recording the statements.
On the day of the incident police had begun to follow the 2 brothers and the 2 brothers had tried to seize a vehicle and flee in it by making the owner of the vehicle forcefully withdraw 800 US dollars. Subsequently they had chased him away and fled in the vehicle. The vehicle owner had complained to the police of the harassment he faced and the police had requested for his phone number.
Across this information it was possible to find in which direction they were heading and launched a massive operation in the town of Watertown. On the first occasion when the suspects were being cornered, they had fired at the police from the rear of their vehicle. As the police assumed that they may be in possession of dangerous explosives they took precautions to get at the suspects with utmost care. However, after combat that took place near the vehicle police came to know how 1 suspect had escaped and how another was lying on the ground on an investigation carried out later. They then found out that the fallen man was dead and that he was one of the 2 main suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev (29).
It is suspected that since he was one of the main suspects and further information had to be extricated from him the police had not been ordered to shoot him down and it is suspected that he may have shot himself or shot dead by his brother who escaped. Investigations in this respect is in progress. It was after this that announcements were made for residents in Watertown, Boston to stay indoors and a massive operations campaign was in progress throughout the night. Though the police went from door-to-door in Watertown saying that they were from the police, it was difficult for them to come across any information whatsoever about the escapee Dzhokhar.
The police kept on with the operations searching for CCTV data and satellite data going in helicopters, blinking their lights resembling a Hollywood film; thus keeping the Americans awake that night. But even after midnight passed, the escapee could not be tracked.
In the meantime, a certain resident who had come out of his house and started inspecting his garden a few hours prior to dawn even without obeying police instructions was however able to observe a spot of blood near the boat parked in his garden and which he had not seen before. He had then felt that there was someone inside the boat. He had gone back to his house frightened and immediately informed the police about that location.
It was after that that the police arrived and had sent a vehicle in a most safe manner to the garden where the boat was tied and thereby launched the operation to track the suspect alive. The raid was done by moving away all possible impediments present in order to take video photographs of the site.
It is suspected that at the moment of arrest by the police he had shot himself in his throat with the idea of ending his life; but as the bullet had travelled close to his neck, it may have so injured him.
The suspect is unable to talk because of that. It was reported that the family of Tsarnaev migrated to America 10 years back from Chechnya and a few years ago on a tip off which was received by his country a secret investigation had been conducted regarding same. But the final report of that investigation had confirmed that there was no suspicion.
Since statements are still being recorded, America has so far not officially declared the name of any particular terrorist group.