Duminda Silva, Member of Parliament who was the main suspect in the murder case of Bharatha Lakshman was released on bail today. He was bailed out on a cash security of 50,000 rupees and 2 personal bonds of Rs.5 lakhs subjected to certain specific conditions. The conditions were that he is banned from travelling overseas, that bail would be immediately cancelled and the subject would be remanded if there is any undue influence made on the complainant party and that the 2 bailsmen is to be accepted by the magistrate. The Colombo High Court Judge Lalith Jayasuriya pronounced these orders on approval of the Attorney-General.

     Permission for bail was granted by the judiciary as a result of the appeal made by Duminda's father Premalal Silva.

     Lawyer Anuja Premaratna who appeared on behalf of Duminda said that the left side of Duminda's body was lifeless and that about 40 per cent of Duminda's head too is lifeless. Doctors have advised that he could obtain a cure through rehabilitation and that it is necessary that he should move about with his family members.

     When the lawyer made mention about the brain being incapacitated, the magistrate had asked, '' Is anything left in the brain?'' to which question the lawyer Anuja had said, '' Yes, My Lord''. There is information that Duminda who was in Nawaloka Hospital would be returning home after the verdict.
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