When the proof of negligence was proved and when the doctors and the staff had scented that charge sheets are to be given, try to take alternate action
When it was proved via a committee that probed into the amputation of the left hand of the final year Law student was totally owing to the negligence of the Consultant surgeon, other doctors and the nursing staff it was brought to the notice via the media that charge sheets would be given to all those in that particular ward.
Against this proposed decision all doctors and the supporting staff had got offended and they have had a meeting with other doctors in the district, have planned to adhere to a work to rule like campaign owing to heavy pressures of work they are subjected to.
They are discussing various ways to implement work to rule methods and not to work under pressure, but to work leisurely taking their own time. In this regard doctors in the district amounting to about 200 have had a meeting. They have decided to have less clinics and less operations for a day.
Accordingly they had decided to attend to only 300 patients who come daily to clinics. They had earlier catered to attend to about 600 patients in clinics by working under pressure. The usual operations of around 20 scheduled for a day have been reduced to only 7 operations. They had also rescheduled the list of operations that were to take place. The patients had been given noice via registered letters of postponed dates it is learnt.
It is reliably learnt that the Committee headed by the directress of the Matara General hospital Dr Samindi Samarakoon and the deputy Director Dr Ravindra Weerasekara were furious with the media as they had published and aired views that the doctors and the nursing staff had been negligent and are irresponsible and that do not know the administration procedures which had led to amputation of the final year Law student Achala Priyadarshini’s left hand. The doctors committee is strongly contemplating in filing legal action against the two newspapers who published the fake news that the doctors and staff had been found to be negligent in this case.
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