The happiness of Marriage and Birth day dedicated to ‘Ranaviru’ war heroes

Today what is seen in Wedding and Birthday parties is spending enormous sums of money in having extravagant parties. The exorbitant amounts of money spent on them have absolutely no value. In such an era Tele actor Kanchana Kodituwakku had thought otherwise for his wedding and on his birthday.He had decided with Shanika to celebrate and spending the money to the ‘Ranaviru’ war heroes who are disabled.
The wedding of Kanchana and Shanika did not have the usual fanfare like cakes, liquor, brides’ maids, best man, flower girls and page boys. It was all devoid of them. The duo had cut down all unnecessary expenses had collected the money they had intended to spend and with gifts in cash given to them by relatives and co actors and actresses, the duo had collect as their own fund. Kanchana had presented a war hero with an artificial limb. It had happened to be Shanika’s birthday the following week. Instead of spending money on a party she had donated her money to the ‘Ranaviru Sevana’.
Until then the war hero who was walking with the help of clutches was presented with artificial limbs. At the time of presenting the artificial limbs Shanika’s eyes as well as that of Kanchana were filled with sorrow and joy, even shedding of tears was noticed. For this event at the ‘Ranaviru Sevana’, Ayoma Rajapaksa, General Rohan Daluwatta and many distinguished guests and invitees were present. The photographs are shown BELOW:

Photographs by Indika Mallawarachchi
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