To date we have only about stories that drugs had been smuggled embedded in the body or under the inner surface of the shoes. Now the drug business is carried out in a different manner and a form. This time drugs business had been carried out on with the help of soft toys using Teddy Bears.
These Teddy Bears/ small dolls/soft toys have been taken by stacking them with ‘heroine’ drug those who were travelling abroad saying they were taking them to give as presents to friends living abroad. These Teddy Bears are very popular in many countries particularly among the small kids. The Police personnel attached to the Rattota had been able to track down the drug dealers.
It is reported that they have been supported by the staff attached to the branch of the Foreign Employment Bureau of Sri Lanka. It is reported that they have successful in sending these Teddy Bears with the drug ‘heroine’ embedded within. The passengers had not known anything about this racket. They had been only instructed to hand over the soft toys/Teddy Bears to those who were staying anxiously to receive them.
When the Police raided the branch of the foreign employment Bureau at Rattota were able to find from within a number of teddy bears with ‘heroine’ embedded. The value of this ‘heroine’ was valued at around Rs one hundred thousand. The raid had been conducted upon receiving an anonymous telephone call given on a tip off. What the employees of the branch of the Foreign employment bureau had told those who were to travel to hand over them to their friends living in the foreign countries.
Those who abroad who were to accept these Teddy Bears have been identified and the Interpol have been informed with a view to arrest them.