At a meeting held the SLC Head Quarters to discuss by the related authorities regarding the appointment of a bowling coach for the SLC.As veteran Chaminda Vaas had demanded a wage amounting to Rs 9 ½ lacks, the authorities had decided that the wage was too high for the SLC to bear.
Instead they had decided to offer the post of bowling coach to legendary spinner Muttiah Muralidharan who had volunteered to offer his services free of charge basis.
It was also discussed with regard to cost cutting strategies to reduce their contracts with effect from the month of April this year. It was also decided by the SLC to pay only a 25% of the payments received by the ICC for playing in International fixtures.
It was also resolved that out of the usual 65% paid for one calendar year for the National players had been reduced between 25% to 30%.The balance thus received by the SLC would be utilized for infrastructure facilities of the venues.
It was also decided that to refrain from taking unnecessary persons other those players and those whose services are really essential for future tours. In other words they have decided to prune the supporting staff to a bare minimum.
These decisions had taken place by the SLC as cost cutting strategies even before the warmth of the IPL deals were still in the minds of many cricketers.