Our students go to Campuses at an old Age

At least the age to entering the schools should be lowered.......or
By scrapping one of the 7, 8, 9, 10 Grades the age of entry into campuses should be brought down and make the entrance ages to campuses up to around 17 years
: S.B
Those who enter the respective Universities and by the time they pass out they are in the same ages as those who had not gone to campuses who have got already employed are at a distinct advantageous position as they have gained experienced in the respective fields by the time the Campus qualified graduates join in new jobs, which is very disadvantage to those  who had qualified from campuses as graduates in various fields. The Minister of Higher education had vouched to make a change to this system.
In this he hopes to bring down the ages of children entering to schools or as another alternative to scrap the Grase 7,8,9 an10 grades in schools so that do their O/L s and A/L, s when they are much younger presumably when they reach the ages of 17 years. This proposal he added at a media conference recently. What is emphasised is as follows....
“We are contemplating strongly to make arrangements to admit students to the respective universities at reasonably younger age. In this regard we wish to draw certain plans to implement this suggestion. In this context could the students be admitted to schools with the scrapping at least one grade in at least one grade in the 7, 8, 9, and 10 grades. The O/L should be allowed to sit while in grade 10 and the A/L to be sat while in grade 12.If this is implemented the students could be admitted to the Universities while they are 17/18 years of age. Now it is seen when they enter universities they are much older and matured.”
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