The lyrics of the song by late Herbert M.Seneviratna” Mata Aloake Genedevi Sansaraye” had been used by Iraj Weeraratne the modern day popular singer and musician had been accused for using these lyrics for a commercial benefit by composing a song. A case in this regard had been filed for suing him for a sum of Rs 1 million at the commercial courts in Colombo today.
These are lyrics of a song for the film “Aiyaai Malli” in the year 1950 made by late Hebert M Seneviratna. His wife Swarna Lakshmi Seneviratna and son Chinthana Seneviratna had file a case against Musician and singer Iraj Weeraratna as owners of this song. This case had been filed as Iraj Weeraratna had uses the lyrics of this song without seeking permission from late Herbert Seneviratne’s family members ,who are now the owners of this song.
The Magistrate of the Commercial courts Gamini Rohan Amarasekera had sent summons to Iraj Weeraratna to appear before the Commercial courts on the 19th of February.
The video of the new popular song which Iraj Weeraratna produced with the same lyrics could be heard from BELOW:
Hear the Latha Walpola’s Video BELOW: