For the music video of Kasun Kalhara music the cobra girl had danced

During the recent past Nirosha Wimalaratna also called the cobra girl was made very popular in the media to the extent of even more than a film actress. At present she has become so popular as such she had been even called to take part in music videos. She had shown her willingness for the demand she has now.
For Kasun Kalhara’s music composition to a song sung by our present era popular singing duo’s Harendra and Madhawa a new song ‘pitawanna desin’ which is to be released, a music video is to be made with the participation of the ‘cobra’ girl, Nirosha Wimalaratna with a dance item it is reported. For this music video for some time a dancing girl in a night club had been in their minds for the dance item. Now they have found the ‘dancing cobra girl’ very ideal to portray in this music video. This music video has already in the initial stages of production. Just a few photographs captured are shown below.
The cobra girl had quipped that she will not stop at this but will become a modeller and also would make all attempts to become a television presenter.

The video as to how the cobra girl danced at the Cleopatra night club could be viewed fro HERE:
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