These days in Sri Lanka’s Rupavahini, the premier channel under state patronage in news bulletins a larger time has been allocated to the University lecturers strike issue. They have made every endeavour to condemn the strike action of the lecturers and the support of the students in taking part in protest processions. The TV channel also makes special attention to any place or action they had not been successful and try to ridicule them. In short they make every endeavour to find the slightest fault of theirs to make the public aware.
They have made attempts to televise those lecturers who had come from nowhere and also those students in various universities who came to support the lecturers in their cause in the protest processions. The state owned Rupavahini TV channel had tried at many instances had tried to sling mud at certain statements made by them by even extorting their expressions and statements.
In retaliation at a meeting while speaking senior lecturer Ven.Dambala Thera who was one of the main speakers had suggested to change the logo of the State Rupavahini from the mythical bird to a ‘CROW’ and to be called the ‘CROW’ channel. He had further said as:
“By deploying very low and third grade tactics and ghosting interpretations, the State owned Rupavahini TV channel is slinging mud, which has become a fashion today. This is clearly seen and viewed by a huge audience. This is a ‘King’ type TV channel (by showing the Rupavahini TV channel mike while speaking) and had confessed that it is channel with a ‘crow’ logo.”
The story of the ‘crow’ logo during his speech shown by the Ven Dambala Thera is shown in the video BELOW: