The Police was able to catch and arrest an exhibitionist who had been troubling the students at girls' college in Colombo had been showing his nakedness to the girls on a number of occasions.
He is said to be coming near the school in the morning from a vehicle owned by his master. It was reported that he had been suited up and he had been stopping the vehicle when the students have been passing him. He had been horning and when the students have been looking at the vehicle as to see why that was; he had been used to show his nakedness by pulling off his pants down. It had been reported that he had been gaining a lot of pleasure when the students have been laughing loud looking at his nakedness.
Even though, he had been reported to the security officers at the school, nobody has been able to catch this man. However, this morning on the 1st it had been his final day today as the security guards had been successful in catching him.After the suspect had been taken to the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station, from there he had been taken before Fort Magistrate Courts.
Amitha Roshan, a resident of Horana had been taken before courts as the suspect. The courts have ordered a report from the witnesses and he had been ordered to be remanded till the 5th.