One person had fired on the head of a person with a fire arm and killed him for a previous grievance:
Yesterday at Horana,Rathmalgoda area near ‘Mawak Oya’ Rest, a murder following a shooting incident has been reported. The ‘rest’ is a famous place where visitors patronise to
Seven people had come together had visited to have liquor and meals and after they were drunk they had started to fight and argue in a serious manner.
The staff had pleaded to stop arguing and fighting as there were other visitors as well. One person had gone to his vehicle and brought a fire arm and asked all his gang who came aiming to kneel down and had aimed at each person’s head frightening them all. When it came to one person he had quipped:
“Ha you too have come to have meals here”:
This particular person has had some earlier grouse with the person who was carrying the fire arm was shot in the head. He had died then and there and was in a pool of blood. The rest of the gang had fled away. The accused had got into his blue coloured vehicle and fled away too.
The person who had died is a father of two children and a businessman by profession. He is a resident of ‘Ilimba’ area in Horana. The Ingiriya Police is conducting investigations into the murder.
Photographs and story by Horana: Buddhika Kumarasiri