It was surprising to see Hirunika Premachandra on stage representing the UPFA in the North Central. This had been her debut speech on political platform. There she had made a statement saying that she wants to strengthen the hands of the President and she had sung the song “Sanda Diya Uthura”, a song of Nirosha Virajini:
It means that she is a lover who is disappointed as there is no one to express her love. Every one’s idea was that she had sung that song intentionally as her ex
Hirunika had been invited by the Minister Priyankara Jayaratne. It was reported that Namal Rajapakse had asked Minister Priyankara whether that song was song for Randika.
It had been a song sung by Nirosha Virajini which was written by Sunil Ariyaratne.
Watch the video below in which Hirunika sings “Sanda diya uthura” song:
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