Could anyone be arrested by posting death threats on a FACE BOOK WALL? Such an incident which is extraordinary, where a Sri Lankan working in Dubai has had to face.
The story is reported in this manner:
A Sri Lankan had been working in a hotel in Dubai as an electrician. He had tried his best to get friendly with a girl, a Philippines’ National also working in the hotel. In order to win a heart he had on a regular basis given her a lot of presents and cash.
Suddenly she had left the hotel job and returned to Philippines. But this Sri Lankan electrician had been calling this girl on her mobile constantly. As she felt it was a real nuisance she had even changed her mobile number. Then he had tried his best to communicate with her via the FACE BOOK web site. He had not only posted messages on the FACE BOOK, but also on the WALL for everyone to see. He had even sent her death threat messages also through the WALL of the FACE BOOK. Due to this reason she had been absconding and did not like to return to her hotel job in Dubai.
It was after that she had wanted to inform about the death threat to the Dubai Police.The Philippine girl through the assistance of a friend who had been able to get these messages via a digital system and made a complaint in the Dubai Police.
The Police had arrested this youngster on these grounds. He had made a confession to the Police that he had made threats to her not because she did not consent for his love but as she had borrowed 1000 Dirham’s and not returned them. The case is to be heard on the 23rd of this month in Dubai courts. The story was reported in the Dubai ‘The National’ newspaper.