Last Sunday after a car accident on the QEW highway in Canada a Sri Lanka born father and his daughter had been killed. They are the Son-in-Law and Grand-daughter of the famous late comedian Annesley Dias.
Those killed have been identified as Jayantha Niel Wijeratna and his 16 year old daughter Elisa Nimani. The accident had caused when a vehicle driven by a youngster had collided with their vehicle which had come on an incorrect lane and on the wrong side. The vehicle Jayantha Niel Wijeratna and family were travelling had been crushed and damaged badly. The youngster who had driven the other vehicle had received minor injuries.
During the mishap the wife of Jayantha Neil Wijeratna, Antonette too had been in the vehicle, had been critically injured and had been admitted to the Sunnybron hospital in Canada. The Wijeratna family had met with this unfortunate accident while they were returning to their home in Canada after spending the week end in Florida.
A statement had been made by Bryan the son of the deceased to the CBC television in Canada that the driver of the other vehicle had been in a drunken state at the time of the accident.
The driver of this vehicle had been arrested by the Canadian Police and investigations in this regard are in progress. It is learnt that Jayantha Niel Wijeratna family had migrated to Canada in the year 2000 and his wife is the daughter of the famous comedian Annesley Dias who had passed away in the year 2009.