The biggest diamond theft so far detected:

Sri Lankan worker had found out the password of the safe and he had stolen   diamonds from a jewellery shop at Greece

Most of the Sri Lankans protect the name of their motherland wherever they go. In fact, that is why the Europeans find us very friendly, hospitable, and trustworthy. Yet recently a Sri Lankan who had served in a jewelry shop in Greece had spoilt our name through a massive theft of diamonds.

Janaka Weerasinghe alias Rangana Perera who had worked at a jewelry shop called Worricus at Greece over 10 years had schemed over years and had finally  stolen 42 bags of diamonds, chains, rings, pendants, bracelets and ear rings worth of Rs 50 million. He had worked so trustworthily and got all the passwords of the security systems and the secret codes of the coffers by the owner as he had worked for about a decade.

He had sent all the stolen jewelry by a ship and he had escaped to Sri Lanka with his girl friend who had been working at the jewelry shop owner’s place.
The owner after finding out that Rangana was missing after the theft had informed the police and INTERPOL (International police agency) of France had made inquiries from the Sri Lankan police service to find out about Rangana.
When the inquiries had begun the police found out that Rangana Perera is a resident of Wattala who had been a drug addict but he had never been abroad. It was revealed that someone else had used his name to make a fake passport. However it was revealed during the investigations that a person called Janaka Weerasinghe, a resident of Anguruwathota, Horana had made fake documents 10 years ago.

Since he never suspected that the police will come after him, he wasn’t hiding. Thus, it was easy for the police to catch both the thief Janaka and his girl friend.

Janaka kept saying that he didn’t stele even though he escaped from Greece. He also said that no one can hide from the security cameras. In between Greece had sent a list of the jewelry that had been stolen from Greece. Police investigations made about a container of a Sri Lankan which had been suspected were right and they were caught. Janaka had sent them from Greece to South Africa and his plan was send them back from South Africa to Sri Lanka.

That parcel was sent to the name of a Tamil person in Trincomalee so that no one suspect would suspect it.

Janaka was arrested when the container was on its way to Sri Lanka. The police accompanied him and checked the goods. Among the goods were a motor bike, a desktop and an air conditioner. When the CPU of the computer was opened, jewelry wrapped up in carbon papers were found.
Likewise there were gold in the air conditioner. There had been 42 bags of jewelry worth of 50 million rupees.

These have been wrapped in carbon papers so that the scan machines in the Customs office would not detect them and they wouldn’t have expected anyone to open the machine and to un wrap the carbon papers.
Police had also stated that the motor bike he had imported is a motor bike which cannot be ridden in Sri Lanka as its capacity is above 200CC.
At the moment, both he and his girl friend have been arrested and the jewelry had been sent to coffers of the Central bank followed by the court orders.
It is reported that this is the most massive robbery of diamonds recorded in Sri Lanka.

Photography:  Courtesy
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