Fire at a karaoke bar inside a hotel had killed three Sri Lankans

It is reported that a fire ha broken out at a karaoke bar at Busan city in South Korea had killed 9 people and it had injured 25 people. It is reported that there had been 3 Sri Lankans among the dead.
The cause for the fire had been identified as a leakage of electricity which had spread to a 6 storey building situated in the coastal line in South Korea. The fire had started on the 3rd floor where the karaoke bar had been located. Three Sri Lankans who had died had gone there to attend a party which had been organized by the organization they have working for. It is reported that the fire had started around 10 O’clock in the night and the exits had been blocked due to the smoke and the people who had been locked inside had shouted for help as they had no way of escaping, especially the exits ere covered with smoke.
The fire had spread in the Karaoke bar in a hotel which had consisted of 28 rooms and there had been two Korean ladies among the 9 dead bodies with the 3 Sri Lankan dead bodies.
Around 20 fire brigades have come to rescue action, which as a result of helping to bring down the fire had enabled them to save many lives. Korean Yohap news station reports that there are several critical cases among the 25 who had been injured.

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