Mahanama Principal’s terms of service had been called off with the revelation of him taking sexual bribes:

Had been sent on compulsory pension:

The principal of Mahanama, Premalal Kumarasiri had been caught on taking bribes over the past 4 years by the Bribery commission and he had been sent home on immediate retirement. It was reported that the Principal with another corrupt junior teacher were forcing the mothers of the students on sexual bribes and if not those students have not been given admission to the school. It had been revealed that the Principal had been using his colleague corrupt teacher for these nefarious suggestions without him directly involving in convincing to force the parents.
When a beautiful attractive mother wants to admit her child to the school, she is been transferring her to his supporting teacher who possess the knack to induce them for further requirements. This particular teacher who is a persuasive character usually starts a discussion on different topics to find out the mother could be persuaded or not. If the parents are rich and if they can afford they had been bribed with exorbitant sums of money and the parents who can’t afford, who are attractive they have been forced for sexual bribes.
This teacher shows the mothers that it is a very difficult and it is an impossible exercise to admit a child to a school and his persuasive words had been:
“if you can come along only on one day we can make it a possible…. Hope you understand what I am saying… but keep it a secret between us.”
 However, there have been instances of many mothers who have had to oblige as there was no other option and had given consent to this proposal.
Many mothers have become victims of this teacher and the principal in order to fulfill their dream of sending their children to a famous school in Colombo. It was reported that the wives of many respected residents in Colombo too have agreed to this proposal in order to get admission to Mahanama School for their children. These mothers had kept it a secret from their husbands as well as from the society pretending to show that they got the admission with the greatest difficulty.
Due to this habit many have been able to get the admission not only to the Grade 1 but also to many other grades as well. It was found out in the investigations that the principal had made many fake documents to give the admission to many students. These documents he had carefully filed to be produced, if needed for investigations.
The principal had given 28 admissions to the grade one without following the relevant criteria as stipulated by the Department of Education.As many students had been given admissions in middle of the term to many grades. This had resulted; the class rooms have exceeded the limit of the stipulated number of 40 students and naturally had been over crowded.
It was also reported that the teachers who have not agreed to this method had been transferred to other schools. In between a lady teacher too have been threatened to sleep with him and she had made a complaint to the Kollupitiya Police station. Afterwards this lady teacher had revealed this story to the media as well. 
Later on she had been threatened by the principal and she had been sent home by making disciplinary complaints against her. Yet she had been given her post back by the court which had marked the end of the Principal’s corruption activities.
After which his tenure of service had been terminated and he had been sent on compulsory pension. Due to the discrepancies of the administration of the school system too had collapsed and even the results of the examinations have been unsatisfactory, and relatively drastic in relation to the results in other famous schools in Colombo 
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