JVP protesters in loin clothes
The other day a protest organized by the Sri Lanka Govijana organization was held at Dambulla.
This protest which was organized with the support of the parliamentarians of the JVP and the representatives of the Govijana organizations (the farmers) were wearing loin cloths They were protesting holding banners and posters.
It was reported that the protestors in loin cloths attracted the crowds.
Watch the photographs and the video BELOW:
The other day a protest organized by the Sri Lanka Govijana organization was held at Dambulla.
This protest which was organized with the support of the parliamentarians of the JVP and the representatives of the Govijana organizations (the farmers) were wearing loin cloths They were protesting holding banners and posters.
It was reported that the protestors in loin cloths attracted the crowds.
Watch the photographs and the video BELOW: