The residents in Kadgjuwatta in Badulla, Amunuwelpitiya area have been made to get terribly scared of due to ghost stories owing to stones throwing incidents on to the roofs of houses in the village The reason behind this is that stones have been falling off on to the roofs of the villagers’ houses.
A month ago, one of the villagers has committed suicide by hanging himself on a jack tree and this stoning case has been reported after his seven day alms giving. Due to this reason the villagers have named this phenomenon as “troubles of a phantom”.
Some weeks ago, it was reported that stones have fallen on the roofs of many houses. Yet, now the situation has taken in to different view as now the stones are falling off only on to one house.
Stones have first fallen on the house, where the seventh day alms giving, had taken  place and the dead man’s wife who had got scared by this incident and had left the house. According to what she says there has been a family in the village who had been in enmity with the dead person. As she states they have thrown stones earlier as well while he was living. She now suspects that this particular family is behind this incident.
Even though no one has got injured so far, it is reported that there have been a lot of damages to the roofs of many houses. The Badulla police have deployed a special force to find about this incident which is mysterious and it is reported that they have investigated and have taken statements from the villagers. The police have gone to investigate the house which still undergoes this problem. While the police was carrying out investigations during the mid day the officers have heard stones falling on the roof. The police have not still been able to find out whether a group of people are conducting this stones throwing exercise. It is reported that the Police is also utilizing the services of Police sniffer dogs to carry out further investigations.
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