New regulations for Kottu Rotti and Plain Tea

New health regulations are enacted
Sugar should be given apart with plain tea

Kottu makers should pass the health test

Health reports have revealed that one out of five people is either having diabetes or is showing symptoms of pre-diabetes. The drinks and food products in today’s market are made without proper standards and they contain a lot of sugar. Since the restaurants offer beverages like tea and coffee with sugar, the customers do not get the opportunity to decide the amount of sugar they like to have.
Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health has already decided that this condition should be changed. Public Health Officers have organized programmes to educate the public about this issue.
Plans are being made to enact regulations to serve the customers with coffee and tea without sugar and to serve sugar separately so that sugar can be added according to the preference of the customers.
Besides, it is also planned to add a label in the packets of sugar served in restaurants stating that “Excess of sugar can lead to Diabetes”.Ministry of Health is going to follow up on this rule and to take drastic action to the people who will break this law.
Apart from this, the Head of the Colombo Municipal Council’s Public Health Department Dr. Pradeep Kariyawasam has enacted some regulations for the kottu rotti makers in the Colombo area. According to the new regulations, kottu rotti should be made using clean and hygienic equipments and the kottu rotti makers should face a medical test and should obtain a certificate to prove their healthiness.
This regulation is not only for kottu rotti makers but also for small scale restaurants, cafeterias, and clubs which make short eats and instant food items. It is also reported that the Municipal Council will take action to cancel the license of the restaurants which will be not abide by the rules and regulations.
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