The decision to visit America changed at the last moment
Instead Duminda was flown last night to Australia, to which State not yet disclosed

Yesterday the 1st at 9 p.m  Duminda was discharged from hospital to proceed overseas for further treatment. Duminda after he was discharged was handed over to his relatives. It is learnt that about 20 vehicles and 2 Ambulances were at the hospital at the time he was discharged. The idea to send him to America was changed at the last moment. This was because Duminda has a lot of relatives in Australia and it is also learnt that Duminda owns a house in Australia where he had lived for a number of years before entering politics.
However to what State and to which hospital he is going for further treatment is yet to be disclosed to the Media. Before he was discharged a CID Officer on the orders of the courts had visited the hospital to obtain a statement from him. But his attempt had proved futile owing to his health condition.
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