The latest news of Karandeniya Doctor’s Murder

The owner of the Medical laboratory is a captain in the Army
Police curfew was imposed in Karandeniya after the villagers who were provoked and tensed made havoc on hearing the names of suspects of Doctor’s killing. When further investigations were carried out it has been revealed that the captain had given the contract for the killing was not the true owner of the Medical Laboratory. Although the Captain was the owner the Medical Laboratory had been registered in the name of a friend of his whose wife was a nurse. The captain was under the impression that his friend’s wife was conversant in regard to laboratory work and reports. This had been made shrewdly as an Army officer is prohibited in registering the business in his name. The Captain had registered the business under his friend’s name on the undertaking that on no circumstances his name should be revealed.
In this context the murder had been done with the sole intention of eliminating the doctor by killing and to accrue more business. As this laboratory was continuously furnishing incorrect reports Doctor had told his patients not to patronise the lab. The owner of the lab had thought that the only way to increase the business was via thuggery. Once the Doctor’s car was sprayed with a mixture containing cement as the Doctor took no notice they had sprayed black oil on Doctor’s car. As the Doctor was not perturbed, the third attack was made by shooting.
Our previous articles
 ‘Karandeniya Murder’s revealed’
‘Karandeniya people take to streets ’
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