The SIM card found by Police dogs helps to find the murderers

Last week the brutal murder of 4 persons of the same family in Udawalawe shook the whole nation. The murderers were caught through the senses of Police dogs who were able to detect an abandoned ‘sim’ card.
The millionaire businessman his wife , son and daughter who were living in Pahekaduwa area in Udawalawe were all shot and killed by a gang carrying a T 56 rifle while watching TV inside their own residence.
He was a reputed money lender, owner of a fleet of private buses and had owned a rice mill. He had been living in harmony with the villages without any dispute. But recently he has had an argument with a group of people who had come to the village for gem mining. This is the only evidence the villages who could give as a clue to the killings. It is learnt that Gamini wanted them to be arrested by the Police.
Apart from Gamini all the family members were also killed. It may have been that the killers may have been known to his wife and children, as they were not strangers to the village. When the investigations were been carried out by the Police another group investigators carried out investigations deploying Police dogs. When the Police dogs were taken around the house they were stopped by the dogs near the lavatory. There they found some cigarette buts. As Gamini was a non smoker this place may have been the hide out and planning place of the killers before launching the operation.
After which the dogs were taken further away to a jungle like area where they found some jungle kits and gloves. In the vicinity the Police dogs were sniffing at a ‘Sim’ card from that area which became a vital clue for the investigations. It was revealed that Gamini has had a telephone conversation with someone outside his house before he came into the house.
With the aid of the ‘sim’ card the owner was located and along with him 5 persons were arrested. 3 of them were known to Gamini and were criminals. 2 of them had been released from the prison and had returned only one month ago. They had confessed that while in prison they had made plans to kill Gamini as he possessed a lot of money.
Gamini is the youngest in a large family of 13 children and had come up from very humble beginnings. He had started life by raring a herd of milking cows as a small business. When he accumulated some money he had started a money lending business to the villages. At the time he was killed he was only 34 years old. But had established himself with more reputed businesses. He had become a rich businessman in no time as perhaps as his time may have been good. However the killers have robbed only 16 gold sovereigns.
The ‘Derana’ video of the coffins of those killed could be viewed from HERE:
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