Air attack through leaflets by Seylan Bank to People’s Bank

Would you believe that Seylan Bank would launch an air attack on Peoples’ Bank? The date was last Saturday the 22nd .Venue was the Welagedara Stadium in Kurunegala. Their annual Corporate Sports festival celebrations and get together of family members had organised to celebrate it in a grand manner.
For its inauguration members of staff, their kith and kin from branches in the North Western Province had gathered to the Welagedara Stadium. When the National anthem was being sung and before it was over a much unexpected incident followed. At that time it was observed that a helicopter was circling around the Stadium which drew the attention of all present. Immediately they saw some leaflets being dropped from the helicopter. Forgetting the National anthem the guests were more particular to know the contents of the leaflets that were dropped. They were running here and there to collect the leaflets forgetting the inauguration proceedings.
When the contents were read it was proved as a protest leaflet against People’s bank whose close competitors are the Seylan Bank. It contained propaganda material against rivals People’s bank. They had targeted their annual celebrations to drop these propaganda leaflets.
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