After the death of Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra thousands who thronged to pay last respects to the slain politician were made to understand that Hirunika would take up to politics to go on the path of the slain leader.
She had told to the print and electronic media personnel during the time of the funeral that she had been having this idea in her mind. But her father Bharatha had told not be a hurry, the time will come later and to be silent
She had been educated in a leading Colombo school and has had received further education abroad and had been engaged in modelling as a hobby. The critics had commented that owing to the above and as she is the daughter of a
Nevertheless her mother Sumana Premachandra had made a statement to the ’Island’ newspaper yesterday saying...”Our family was ruined owing to politics. I will never allow Hirunika to enter politics. I am against her wish. I told her not to wave hands to troubles”
In this context it appears that it is highly unlikely that Hirunika will enter politics at this moment.
The letter published in this regard appeared in the last week’s ‘Lakbima’ paper could be read from HERE: