The welcome speech was delivered by Jackson Anthony during the final of the ‘Ranaviru Real Star reality show contest, where President Mahinda Rajapaksa was the Chief Guest. Instead of saying directly that President has had distant relationship to Lord Buddha, he made  an inspiring speech praising the President to the highest unprecedented levels possible during his long speech which was predominantly, about our ancient kings and history. Jackson is presently on a tour of Australia with his family.
Jackson Anthony participated in a programme at the SBS radio service in Sydney; he was questioned about this speech which was subjected to severe criticism in several media and websites. They were inquisitive to question him about praising the President to such great heights. He has totally denied saying that ‘he did not say it’. He had told that he is only a poor artiste. However he did not want to be a stooge of the Government. The recorded speech could be heard from the Audio below:

How could you say that President Mahinda Rajapaksa has blood relationships to Lord Buddha?
His reply was that he never said such a thing. He said it is better if you could listen to it again. He says that was not said from my mouth. It is concept of some to have distorted my speech through angry spiritualism. What had been conveyed to the media are not what I really emphasised upon. These are facts that are in our history thought in schools and Sunday schools.
When the pedigree of Prince Gemunu is questioned it is said that he hailed from the era and generation of King Suddhodana, which is written in all history books. What he really had said was this. (What Jackson said in his speech was told again).

Then it was asked whether the media had brought disrepute to Lord Buddha.?
He said the media had not distorted my speech but they had edited according to their own advantage. The entire programme was shown as a repeat telecast in the Rupavahini TV channel from which anyone could find the truth. The fact that he made a statement that President Rajapaksa has blood relationship to Lord Buddha is a blatant statement which he never made and said also that he will not make such a statement. He had said that he is not affiliated to any political party, but he is an independent artiste devoid of partisan politics. He said he has all the right to speak out his vision on politics like any other individual. He says he never does it for personal gain or benefit.

There are allegations against you that you have made this speech to gain political benefit? He had said that in his entire life, he had risen through his own talents and through sheer perseverance and that he is in this position not through any partisan politics. There had been various allegations that he has supported this Government to obtain benefits like becoming a Member of Parliament or a Chairman of a Corporation. He had just kept silent knowing very well that they were all false allegations.
He said once more that he only a poor artiste in this country. He had never been awarded a scholarship. He says he owes a deep depth of gratitude for the free education he received while in school, initiated by C.W.W Kannangara. All His ancestors hailed from poor families, no one was recognised in society and no one was involved in politics. He also said he never had wealthy relations. It is through his own talents and perseverance that he has come to this position, he is now in. He became more popular through the programme ’Maha Sinhalaye Wansa Kathawa’. What he had contributed to it was mainly about the ancient Sinhalese race. He was able to educate many about our ancient history. He said he is paying his debts which he owes for his free education. He says it is he who insisted that the subject, history be reintroduced to the syllabus which was excluded from schools since the year 2006.He says he is very proud of this achievement.
The welcome speech made by Jackson Anthony at the commencement of the final of the Ranaviru Real Star Reality show contest is however very appalling to many in the audience and millions of viewers. The video below shows his speech ( this was the exact speech that was heard before without editing)

What 'Gossiplankanews' web site published about the speech,the related video and comments of viewers are shown from here.
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