“I did not have the time and ability owing to my busy campaign to correct the version of Frederica Jansz. The UNP stalwart Malik Samarawickrema that he would take the responsibility on my behalf, and for me to continue with the election campaign. As he promised me I proceeded with my campaign. On the 27th January the election was over. With its completion the Government in power by exposing a fake ‘Cinnamon Lake Side’ conspiracy my supporters were one by one penalised. About 60 of my closest supporters were arrested. They made a thorough inspection of my office premises. All electronic media equipment computers, videos, documents were taken into their custody very unlawfully. We decided to be together that night at the hotel as we reliably learnt from a person working in the Government Defence Council office to arrest me and the opposition supporters in the event I won. We decided to have all our security personnel on alert in and out of the hotel premises to give us the required protection.
Those factors subjected to criticism, various malpractices adopted during the election, complaints made by supporters, political revenge and constraints faced by them etc. All had to be looked after by me. Owing to these factors I hadn’t the time to get the incorrect newspaper article rectified. The only other alternative to reveal the truth was to have a media conference. Before I could have it some army personnel forcibly took me to custody just 10 days after completion of the election. The agony I am undergoing up to now cannot be described easily.
When the first Court Marshall was conducted three army officers were giving evidence against me. All three officers in the panel had during my tenure of service in the Army had been apprehended by me for misconduct and irregularities. The leader of this panel the brother in law of the present Commander was very rude and made many false statements against me. In the second Court Marshall Major General Hathurusinghe in the panel is one who had taken bribes of Rs 30,000/ a month from a terrorist leader to protect him and that had been disclosed by the Terrorist prevention unit. In the 2nd Court Marshall the Chairman was Mjaor General Milinda Peiris who was found guilty of giving false evidence in a High court and hence was considered as an officer whose integrity was at low ebb and one who could not be trusted. The other officer Major General Divulagala was deployed by Gotabhaya to perform his personal work and hence he was always deployed around Colombo. All these officers who appeared at the court Marshall for duty were selected to give false evidence against me and for the advantage of the President and Gotabhaya .During the tenure of service in the Army I sacrificed and gave everything for my country to protect the integrity and sovereignty of the motherland. I did my utmost in discharging my duties. I gave the highest place for the uniform that I wore. It was my sole intention while I was attending school to become a person who would be good citizen who would serve the country. On these grounds, I opted to join the army to give the maximum for my country.
All may have heard how the present leader who makes so many speeches almost daily which could be viewed on TV and read in the print media. He commences by addressing the gathering by saying ‘Ape Hamuduruwani,Mage Amme,Mage, Thaththe,Duwe,Puthe .But he never practiced what he preached. There is no transparency in his dealings. His powers and decisions revolved around his family members. He does not select the proper most suitable efficient persons for suitable positions. I always wanted to take the country to prosperity in the right direction. I am person who has scarified a lot for my country neglecting my wife and daughters. I knew that the war was won with my tactics under my leadership. Despite all my sacrifices I was openly disgraced in public and the media saying that I will be corrupt politicians sans experience etc.
For my untiring efforts I got the blessings of all, irrespective of nationality, caste, creed and religion. By keeping me confined to jail no one could prevent me from achieving my goal of making a new Sri Lanka, where justice would prevail. The present corrupt culture of our politics, need to be changed. This could be achieved when people of this country come to really understand this view.”
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