who is in hiding speaks over the phone
Sunday Divaina newspaper had been able to get an interview with Dharamasiri over the phone, who had been the coordinating Secretary of the Minister John Seneviratne and the brother of Raju, the main suspect of Kahawatta murder case.
On last Thursday when he had been asked about the incident he, who is still in hiding had answered to the questions posed as below.
Question: Your brother had planned this murder at your house…
We used to leave the house leaving it on my brother’s custody whenever we go to Matara. My wife is from Matara so we used to go to Matara very often.
Question: Why did you go this time?
For one of my Son’s work.
Question: Where is your brother’s house?
He lives in Kahawatta…two of his kids are going to school from my house. Therefore, my brother’s family is very close to us and they are used to our house.
Where did the assassinated mother and the daughter live?
Next to our house. We had close connections. The daughter who died was the bridesmaid of one of my son’s wedding.
Question: What do you think of this murder?
I regret it very much and if my brother has done this. It is very wrong of him. We worked hard for that funeral.
Question: Why didn’t you get arrested?
Police inquiries were carried on for long. I called the CID when my house was burnt. There was a bottle of gems and Rs two lakhs plus a lot of goods in my house when it was burnt into ashes.
Question: Didn’t your sister-in-law called you to tell that one of the front walls was dark and they need to paint it?
It wasn’t for me but for one of my daughters.
Question: How did the wall become dark?
Kids have played using incense sticks, camphor and then the sofa had caught fire and thus the wall had become black for its smoke.
Question: Do you think that incident has any relevance to the murder?
Yes. The CID was after this case they had even questioned the kids. When they suspected our family for that incident, I called the Minister. Minister told that if we have done anything wrong, we deserve to be punished. He told that what he has to do is to fire me from my job and he did just that.
Question: We got to know that still the investigations are carried out to find out whether the plan for this inhumane murder was done at your house.
I will face anything and there is nothing that I can do now.
Question: Where are you now?
I am in Colombo…. I will say one thing, if my brother had committed this murder he deserves to be punished and if he is to be hanged I will not do anything, I will not even take advice from the lawyers.
Question: What was the Post your son had in the prison?
He was a Welfare Officer. He too had been arrested.
Question: Reason?
He had got a call while he was on duty asking him to come to Bicycle Bazaar. He had gone there. There we got to know that he was arrested by the Police.
I heard from the police that two Prison officers had opened his cupboard and found two packets of illegal drugs.
Question: Are you a gem businessman?
Yes. I have gem mines. I don’t have any economical problems. If Police call for inquiries I am ready at any time to answer them and I would not let this incident be a problem for our Minister.
Newspaper report by Norman Palihawardena