Ratnapura student takes media by storm in releasing video into the internet after being tied to a pillar as rag for birthday and then criticised

Ratnapura student takes media by storm in releasing video into the internet after being tied to a pillar as rag for birthday and then criticised

Ratnapura student takes media by storm in releasing video into the internet after being tied to a pillar as rag for birthday and then criticised 

A commotion has erupted in the social media over a video which has been subjected to discussion regarding cruel harassment because of a student who was tied to a post on the road accessing the Godakawela convent, Ratnapura. Most people have exchanged opinions about this and it later came to be known that because the student concerned was so subjected to humour as a rag on his birthday, his friends have done this. 

After news about him who is supposed to be a student of Ratnapura Sivali College ... authorities of
the school had got down parents of the student and a primary inquiry was held today (25), it is reported. The said video was broadcast across social media day before yesterday (23) accompanied by scenes of what was done to student being loudly criticised. What Ratnapura police has informed was that no complaint has been lodged with Ratnapura police in this connection. It was reported that the because of some scrapes he had sustained in this act, he had even taken treatment from Ratnapura hospital. Police has informed that incidents of this nature has become a trend in Ratnapura area. 

The school has conducted an inquiry about the student and what his parents had said was that the student has voluntarily participated in commemoration of the birthday with friends. Whatever it is, the principal has indicated that a commemoration of this kind cannot be approved and that meting out cruel harassment to the student and using another person as a weapon to criticise and releasing it to the internet ... and it has been informed that all this has been carried out by friends of this student. They have had no seriousness about it and it has their motive to make it the most widely viewed video in the internet. The principal has told media that caution should be exercised when releasing a video like this to social media.

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