Present condition of Sri Lankan lady who was infected with corona
Sri Lankan consulate office in Italy say that the first Sri Lankan lady infected with the corona virus is presently in good health condition. First secretary of Sri Lankan consulate Mr. Sisira Senaratna says that the patient is undergoing treatment at warded at a hospital in the city of Brascia in Italy and that officers in tha country are constantly vigilant about her health condition. He said that providing of all health facilities to her is being done by mediation of Sri Lanka consulate office and
that Sri Lanka consulate office informed that her situation is not at all serious.
that Sri Lanka consulate office informed that her situation is not at all serious.
Mr. Sisira Seneviratna who expressed further ideas said, "Her condition has turned out for the better when compared to what she was on the 4th. All health requirements necessary for her have been prepared for her by the said hospital. It was on the 2nd that we came to know about her. As soon as that information fell on our ears, the consulate office had discussions with the hospital. They had already taken steps to allocate a separate room for her. According to what the hospital says, her condition is stable. Some reports were published that she was not provided proper meals. We inquired about that. What the hospital said was that she was withheld meals because of some inspections carried out on her. Subsequently, hospital authorities of that country have taken steps to provide her meals. He said that in the same way, all requirements of hers have been provided by Italian health sectors.
Thus, Sri Lanka consulate general's office in Milano, Italy say that it is a Sri Lankan lay who has been infected by this virus in Brashia in North Italy. She is 46 years old and a resident of Horana. She had been living with her husband for a period of about 10 years and when she had gone to look after an aged Italian lady she has been infected by this disease, Sri Lankan consulate office says. By this time it is Italy that has been mostly influenced outside China and those infected has exceeded 3858 in number. Foreign media say that 149 have lost their lives being affected by the said virus.