600 struggle to adopt toddler found buried under sand for 5 hours in Ratnapura
A toddler had been buried for five hours under a pile of sand at Kosgalawaththa in Ratnapura and about 600 requests have come forward to adopt the child who was saved alive, Ratnapura general hospital says.
This toddler is in good health at Ratnapura general hospital by now. From the time the baby was
hospitalised, even by now Ratnapura general hospital has received about 600 telephone calls from most parts of the island. When we made inquiries about this from the hospital, a hospital spokeswoman said that telephone calls requesting to adopt the toddler is still in progress. She said that the hospital cannot mediate in this respect and that it is an issue which should be solved in a legal manner across the judiciary and probation department.
hospitalised, even by now Ratnapura general hospital has received about 600 telephone calls from most parts of the island. When we made inquiries about this from the hospital, a hospital spokeswoman said that telephone calls requesting to adopt the toddler is still in progress. She said that the hospital cannot mediate in this respect and that it is an issue which should be solved in a legal manner across the judiciary and probation department.
This toddler was born to an unmarried girl in Kosgalawaththa, Ratnapura and immediately after birth the tiny babe was buried under a layer of sand and fortunately the toddler had the fortune of her life being rescued because a neighbour spotted this. Most people say that the toddler's life being saved in this manner is indeed a miracle. As a result a large number of people have expressed their willingness to adopt the toddler.
Sunil Piyathilleka -- Kuruvita