No noisy songs in buses ... from January 1st!
It is expected that the national transport commission is to introduce a set of thousand songs which could be enjoyed by passengers in a relaxed mood from January 1st, 2020. Apart from that the ministry of transport released an announcement yesterday (24) stating that steps have been taken to introduce videos bringing a host of messages important for passengers. It has been reported that outstation buses operating at present and other buses too which play high decibel music in those buses have become a terrible nuisance to the public.
Accordingly, a discussion was held last morning (24) by transport manager and officers of the transport commission with minister of power and energy Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera and it was decided at the commission instead of the songs played in passenger transport buses, to introduce a set of different songs which instructions were given to the commission by the minister.
What was revealed from the study of a random sample carried out across Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim passengers numbering 15,000 was that everybody subjected to that random sample (hundred percent) had said that music played at a high decibel tone is a terrible nuisance as well as a worry to them. In the same way, what minister Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera said at yesterday's discussion was that a competent panel should who possess a knowledge of the maximum number of decibels that should be adopted when playing music in buses should be made known and should be announced and implemented thereafter. The minister further said that as a result of some songs played in buses, passengers have not only had to face much inconvenience, but even have become patients.
Under the above circumstances, the programme of playing only songs which have been introduced by the national transport commission will be in operation from January 1st, 2020 onwards. Apart from this, two social activists have handed over a proposal where drivers and conductors as well as passengers are directed towards positive thoughts. Accordingly, the procedure of handing over CDs with suitable songs to be played in buses is expected to be held on 31st this month at Makumbura multi-purpose transport centre with participation of minister Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera.