75 year old Indian female begets child!

75 year old Indian female begets child!

75 year old Indian female begets child!

A 75 year old aged woman living in India northern Rajasthan has begotten a baby girl recently. Foreign news say that at the moment of delivering the baby she has had only one lung which is considered something special, media says. The baby has been delivered after a period of six months. 

The weight of the baby girl is 600 grams. Hospital doctors say that as the woman possessed only one
active lung, she had been in a weak health condition and the baby was delivered after a Caesarian operation. This woman who had been in a depressed state after her marriage thinking of an offspring and later it was decided to have a child across IVF technology. Before that she had adopted a male child of one of her relatives and after he got married the daughter in law has harassed her and as a result she has struck upon the idea of having a child of her own. 

In the meantime, last September a 73 year old woman living in Andhra Pradesh in India had begotten a baby through IVF technology and the baby was delivered through a Ceasarian operation. According to that incident, this woman happens to be the oldest who has delivered a baby and thus created a record. However, together with this 75 year old woman who gave birth to a child is expected to enter that record. 

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