Strange type of prayer in a house in Bandaragama -- a thero mediates and a suspected crowd dispersed
Bandaragama police say that a crowd who were engaged in prayers in a suspicious manner in a house in Medagama, Bandaragama were made to disperse amidst protests from the maha sangha and villagers last evening (18). A large number of females and some males had been yelling including the person who directed the prayers in which circumstances the maha sangha were alerted by villagers in the area after which the house was raided; Walgama Chandarathana thero of Karamanagala Chittha Vivekarama said. Chandarathana thero
further said that there is suspicion whether the crowd participating in the service were being subjected to conversion of another religion.
further said that there is suspicion whether the crowd participating in the service were being subjected to conversion of another religion.
It was revealed from information extracted by that crowd that they were made to attend this prayer meeting with the understanding that women suffering from sickness would be totally cured and that their economic status would be uplifted, police say. After the incident was notified to Bandaragama police, Bandaragama police arrived on the scene and on meeting the crowd who had come there and engaged in prayer and inquired for the relevant information.
Police who recorded statements on the spot from the crowd who participated in the prayer after which the police instructed them to disperse from that place. Bandaragama chief inspector of police Mr. K.W. L. Wickramaratna said that action was taken to take down full statements of the person supposed to have directed the prayer-service as well as the lady-owner of the house after summoning them to police. Police also said that they were warned not to indulge in any form of activity which provoked the public.
- Bimal Shyaman Jayasingha -