First ever crime in space in the world ... because of lesbian partner

First ever crime in space in the world ... because of lesbian partner

First ever crime in space in the world ... because of lesbian partner 

America's New York Times newspaper has reported of world's first crime in space. This crime about which NASA has launched investigations was committed by astronaut Anne McClaine. The crime is hacking the internet bank account while in space of former Air Force intelligence officer, Summer Worden with who she had entered into a homosexual marriage.

By now during a background where both parties have filed legal action, the accusation is that her
bank account has been hacked without her permission. Whatever it is, what Anne McClain has said was that it was not with the motive of cheating but for the purpose of re-checking a particular transaction that she did so and that she would ask pardon for it.

The two of them who led an 8-month homosexual life in the year 2017 have had a quarrel between the two and has gone far as assault after which they had entered into a lawsuit, subsequent to which the couple had divorced each other. The son of Summer Worden's earlier marriage had spent his life with them during that period, it is understood.

NASA has launched a special investigation into this issue and this is the first time that they are conducting an inquiry such as this by delving into the private lives of astronauts about a space crime. Ann McClain who is alleged to have committed the crime is an extra-clever astronaut astronaut and has recently been selected in a short list for which she has applied and had the fortune to trek on the moon as the first woman.

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