"Some day it will be realised how innocent I am" -- Ryan

"Some day it will be realised how innocent I am" -- Ryan

"Some day it will be realised how innocent I am" -- Ryan

Tele-actor Ryan van Royan who joined in the Dubai party with Makandure Madush having been expelled from Dubai was sent to remand prison for a short time after been taken into custody in Sri Lanka. Later on he was released on bail. What is Ryan doing now? He has spoken about it in the following manner:

* Ryan, what are you doing these days?
  Am involved in shooting of a film. In the meantime I have an invitation for a tele-drama. Those are
the activities I am engaged in now. 

* If you were to say the film you have been offered an invitation?
  Still no name has been given. It's our Anoj who is handling the film. Am acting in it these days. After that, a new tele-drama is to commence on tenth next month. 

* Do you get invitations for other related activities?
  Yes ... Invitations of course I get. These days I do a little bit of selection before going in for acting.

* Ryan is an actor who acted in various roles. Why did you think of choosing your roles?
  I have to choose my roles because of what happened to me. The other thing is ... I thought that it would be good if I choose my roles. Those days of course I was a full-time actor. Now I have decided not to spend full-time for such activities and instead to do justice to a good character if I get such a one. 

* Did you get away from the professional role of acting?
  I can't say that. I won't get away from this field. But if I get a good role to play ... I'll consent. I will go through the script and give it much thought and make my selection and then accept the offer if I could do justice to the role. 

* Why did you take such a decision?
  Actually, I am disappointed to a large degree. It is with such disappointment that I spend my days. I carry a great disappointment as an artiste for what happened to me.  

* Do you get invitations for creations in this field?
  I told a while ago that I get invitations, no. As the tele-drama starting on 10th is a lengthy one, there will be work right along. What I thought was to get involved in one or two and to live in freedom ... to bring my mind to a fair level.

* Those days your profession was acting. Now you must do something to exist, no.
  Yes ... I am really hoping to do a job. Sometimes though we engage ourselves as artistes ... it is difficult to live with those things. So since I am not doing this full-time, I am thinking of doing some other job. 

* You said choosing roles? What type of roles arr you hoping to do in future?
  Not roles that I like ... I would undertake any type of role. I'll accept any role where I can do my best. 

* Are there any creations of yours that have stopped halfway during the past?
  There were two creations. But that too was in a channel of two tele-dramas we were told and so shooting came to a halt. But those directors themselves spoke to me and said that they will ask me to engage in their other creations. 

* In the past you became very popular because of Lionel Sandun sir in 'Deveni inima'. What can you say about it?
  Popularity is a common to everyone. According to one's creation actors - actresses become popular from time to time. We'll see in the times ahead ... my fans will be able to see me with some good creations. 

* Is there some lacking in the response of your fans?
  Truly speaking ... so few that I can count on my fingers the artistes who were close by my side. Apart from them, there were fans who were by my side and it is they who strengthened me. I thought of getting out of this field. Then at that moment they spoke to me and said, "You stay there ... we love you". My fans ... I owe a debt to them. 

* Does Ryan van Royan wish to change the appearance as such?
  Aney, not so. I am I, no. There is no necessity to change my appearance. There are instances where I went wrong. I shall rectify those mistakes and face the future. 

* If you turn back ad look as an actor ... what do you feel?
  If I turn and look back ... I think that there is nothing sad ... no pride ... there is only one thing. As artistes we act cordially with anybody. So, in future I would not be attending anybody's wedding or funeral. 

* Does that mean that you'll be looking after your ownself?
  Yes ... I'll engage in my activities of this field keeping to myself and will not get involved with anything with other people.

* Any idea about producing a film or tele-drama?
  Not still. I am still like a frog in the well. Still I have not been able to get out of the well. So the time I get out of the well, I have an idea of making some sort of creation. 

* Are you satisfied with the roles you played?
  Actually satisfied. I have worked under popular directors and popular script-writers, I feel that I will get those roles.

* Ryan ... you seem to be a bit silent now. Why?
  It's like this. It's good that you should be silent at a time when you should be There will come when I will vice out. I'll tell what I can say at tat time. For the moment I will keep silent.

* Don't you have invitations for activities of channels?
  I do get invitations. not that I don't. Just because I get those invitations I am not going to accept all that. I should be very thankful to directors and performance artistes who had trust on me. So I get invitations for tele-dramas across them. I will give my contribution to those tele-dramas that come my way. 

* Ryan ... what do you think about life?
  What I have to say about life is that it is very bad ... sad. Actually when turning back and looking at life ... I have a small disappointment. What I can say is that, when thinkin of the past, I am in a mentality where I can face things strongly. 

* Did Ryan's life change with things like problems?
  It hasn't changed like that. I am myself. The time you called the first time I said that I will not be giving an article to any newspaper. It's because when I was helpless, a lot of people only pointed their finger at me and didn't write anything to understand me and write about m. That is why I stood my ground that I will not give articles to newspapers. Like you now asked me to do an article, if you said 'let's do an article' at the time I was helpless ... I can raise both my hands and salute you.

* Does that mean that injustice was done to you by the media?
  Definitely. You also will understand that if you tap your heart twice. As a media correspondent you will understand that ... where the media put me into. I'll not point my finger at anybody. Sometimes it may be because I realised what I did that such a thing happened. I won't blame anybody. Someday people will realise how frank the person called Ryan is. 

-- Dinesh Withana --
Photographs -- Manjula Perera

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