"I'll create showers from here and sink entire America" -- Presidential candidate Anoj

"I'll create showers from here and sink entire America" -- Presidential candidate Anoj

"I'll create showers from here and sink entire America" -- Presidential candidate Anoj

"If I wish to ... I'll definitely be President of Sri Lanka. I am a man who will do what I wish ... by hook or by crook. It still didn't come to mind ... I need it to come to my mind only".

This is a talk heard across YouTube recently. At a time when Presidents are being born under every bush ... though this sort of utterance is not much of a surprise; there is an interesting story behind the man who spoke those words. Who is this queer person who can become President immediately the
moment he thinks so?

He is Anoj de Silva living in Waththegama, Kandy. He identifies himself as an indigenous physician who comes down from the generation of Ravana. This physician who wears his hair and beard and hangs kilos of iron around his hands and neck speaks about so many things apart from topics about the Sinhalese, power of Ravana, manthras, horoscopes, power of the cosmos, meditation and angam pora. He further says that he is able to do things which anyone in the world can accomplish. This person who speaks high about the country, race and religion is a big talker in Sri Lanka's rupavahini channels and a number of media. There are hundreds of his videos in YouTube. 

I went to meet him one day in the year 2013. At that time he was not a popular character in the media as he is now. I went there not for the purpose of 'biting' him or taking him out of the rut as such but to see these capabilities that he boasts of and that is in an impartial manner. 

"I too am someone who bears nationalistic ideas like you and is interested in 'Sinhalakama', our knowledge", I swiftly informed him of my mission in brief after having stepped into his home without prior notice. Then I discussed for about an hour most cordially about his exploits. For that one hour he bagan rattling away a range of some strange stories akin to 'Arabi nisollasaya' (Arabian nights). He used to unfold stories about mysterious happenings blended with some meaningful words. In the course of that lengthy discourse here are some of the main topics he touched on. 

"If they try to bring America - Geneva proposals and try to 'give a game' to Sri Lanka ... I will launch showers from here and sink entire America by floods". 

"If the government gives me the opportunity of erecting three chetiyas on three mountains ... I will cure seventy five per cent of diseases people in Sri Lanka are subjected to. If things which I say are done properly ... I will cure any patient who is incurable".

"It is I who influenced Mahinda Rajapaksa through cosmic powers to make him think about releasing Sarath Fonseka from prison. I did that because sending Fonseka to jail is not favourable to Mr. Mahinda".

Though anyone who listens to these stories could wonder to what extent of a crank he is, I of course listened to his Arabian nights stories with patience and that was because I wanted to know leaving aside his showers on America ... whether he is able to do something simple more than that. In the meantime a strange thing happened. All of a sudden Anoja's father made his appearance in this home, cut to the neck, so to say and uttering obscene language, kicking chairs and tables around. It was as if the glory of the great Sinhalese physician deteriorated in a flash. 

"We can't now talk at home ... father will play hell ... let's go somewhere else". After he said so, we moved somewhere close to a temple. Our conversation resumed. In his usual manner he continues with his powers and scientific, philosophical talk. After a short while I posed him a simple cross-examination. "You said that you changed that Mahinda Rajapaksa's thoughts ... why can't you likewise change your father's thinking in the same way? I quipped. Anoja de Silva was perplexed and began to laugh. "No, I can do it. But father must make a request from me", he responded. "But then Mahinda Rajapaksa didn't make a request from you, isn't it? The other thing is, how much we suffered to bring the war in the North to an end! If only you would have aimed cosmic rays straight and changed Prabhakaran's mind those days ... everything is over, isn't it?

The great occultist who shied away by giving a clear answer began to laugh like a virgin girl. I note how his ship theory collapses with one trump card. But without putting him into inconvenience I went back to the usual discussion. Time passed by. I kept on questioning him on his arguments one by one for five hours patiently that is. This then was my conclusion -- "You know a great deal. I too would like if those things become real. But saying verbally is not enough ... those must be practical. Hundred per cent of the things that you say is not necessary ... even if you could practically prove ten percent ... it's more than enough. Are you ready for it?" He has no reply for that query. I note clearly how hero of Ravana generation receding step by step. 

"Didn't you say that you'd send showers to America? So can't you show showers over Sri Lanka?" I suggested to him. "Mmm ... can. But aiyye, for that must prepare for weeks. The type of 'thambili' for that is in Batticaloa. At 12 midnight ... unaware to anybody ... must get up naked ... must pluck a 'thambili' and get down keeping it in the hand. Then should extract oil and add urine of a certain type of frog ... those frogs too are not to be found now ... those frogs are available at a particular period in Singharaja forest".

Though the response he gave was not exactly that ... he would give rib-pulling type of answers for all questions. For medical treatment ... he would search for seven pots of oil of eyeflies. At the initial stages he used to call me 'daruwa' (child). Five hours later, since the great occultist was well without words, I became 'aiyya' (elder brother) and not 'daruwa' anymore. All propositions I would bring forward asking him to prove his powers, he would refuse by coming out with all sorts of excuses or reasons and rejects them. His latest strategy is not speaking about his exploits; but presenting a load of impossibilities. 

"If nothing at all is possible ... can't you at least demonstrate by moving a blade of grass through those powers that you speak of? If not, how can we accept what you say?" Anoj who thought all round finally brought forward a fantastic method to prove his marvellous power. He handed me a talisman and asked me to hold it to my chest and keep standing straight in front of his devala. 

"Take a bet ... you can't keep standing. You'll be thrown back according to the power of the talisman", he said. I kept standing quite alright in front of the devala without moving. That trump card too was thrown away and in the end Anoj himself took the talisman into his hand, proceeded towards the front side of the devala and demonstrated himself being thrown backwards. 

"There is a 'bahirawaya' in your stomach ... that's why 'aiyya' you are not getting thrown back". It was not easy to refrain from laughing and enjoying this incident which was like a comedy drama. Yet I thought of giving him a further opportunity. "Right ... if you can't now ... do anything that you can at any date you like and at any place you like. I'll come to any place you tell. The other thing is I'll send some patients to you. Then we can see whether they will attain a cure or not, isn't it ...".

Though there is no suitable successful method to verify the truth or otherwise of curing diseases, I brought forward that suggestion too to him. In the end after having exchanged all information that could link everyone I bade him goodbye, cordially. 

Exactly as I said, I dispatched three patients to him. But after that day however much an effort was made, I could not contact Anoj any day after that. The three patients I sent to him neither attained a cure. Later, this delightful experience of mine found its way towards my novel "Pematho jaayathi soko". The character of 'Upul veda' depicted on page 171 was created based on Anoj de Silva's story. The challenge I offered to Anoj Silva 6 years before this remains open upto now. Before becoming President of the country, he is able to accept that challenge and demonstrate the 'powers' he is supposed to possess. 

A political operation is strongly in action presently ... grabbing votes of the Sinhalese, thus messing up the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims and throwing the whole country into nowhere. Today, magicians such as Anoj de Silva have become dice in that game. It should be finally written that before safeguarding 'Sinhalakama' by saying this and that if it is this kid of bogus stooges ... it is better that the 'Sinhalaya' be careful about them. 

- Isuru Prasanga (Aruna) -   
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